First, why the hiatus?
I was busy. I mean, really busy. In the time since I posted, I have completed my MS CS (thesis here), joined a local band, recorded a solo CD that should be out real soon now, practiced a couple of times with my original college band (we should be playing next April in beautiful Kalamazoo, Michigan) and kept up with a job where I've put out two major product releases and three patches for the product I am development manager for. I have just caught my breath and I feel it's down for the next wave. So I've been busy. I hope I have time to blog now. I'll post more about all of this stuff later. I promise...
Second, why not continue to maintain the blog on my own site?
See point one above. I am moving as much of my life off the website as possible. I no longer want to play sys admin on my own time. To understand how serious I am about this, I'm also moving my family off their Windows boxes and onto Macs as their systems need updating. I'd much rather focus on writing and recording music and working on personal programming projects. I'll probably keep the ftp server going and my email (for now), but maintaining the blog software locally was a pain in the ass I didn't need. Again, more on this stuff later.
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